Resources: Webinars
Webinar Presentation | Link to Video Recording of Webinar |
Friday Harbor Labs Apprenticeships: Sequencing a Ctenophore Genome with Undergraduates | |
An easy way to introduce students to scientific research concepts: Science Journal for Kids and Teens | |
From Sea to Sky: An Introduction to NOAA Education | |
Getting Involved in Marine Education Networks | |
Planting Seed for the Future Hands on Ocean Education for K 12 Students at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab | |
The Virtual Field - K-12 Curriculum Development | |
Increasing Retention in STEM for Pacific Islander Students in Higher Education | |
Minorities in Shark Sciences | |
Immersive Marine Science Education from the St. Johns River to the Atlantic Ocean | |
The Virtual Field - Expanding Field Station and Marine Laboratory Educational Programs with Virtual Experiences | |
Recruiting, Supporting, and Retaining Minorities in STEM | |
Building Strong and Resilient Ocean Science Research and Education Workforce Teams in the U.S |