Upcoming Meetings
NAML Winter Meeting 2025
When: 6 and 7 March 2025
Where: 1201 New York Avenue NW, Suite 430, Washington, D.C. 20005
PDF Version of Program
- Registration Required ($100): Register here.
- See Hotel listing below.
- This is the same venue as last year and previous years.
- The meeting is open to NAML member institutions, their employees and students.
DAY 1, March 6, 2025
09:15 AM Coffee
10:00 AM Welcome and Introduction
- NAML President Terry Donaldson
- NAML President-Elect Dave Eggleston
10:15 AM Allison Hays and Meg Thompson, Federal Science Partners, Congressional Budget & Policy Review
11:00 AM Rick Spinrad, former NOAA Administrator, Reflections from the former NOAA Administrator
12:00 PM Working Lunch
- Nicole LeBoeuf, Assistant Administrator, NOAA, National Ocean Services, Marine Laboratory Vulnerabilities
1:00 PM Emmett Duffy, Smithsonian Institution, MarineGEO Program, Potential Collaborative Opportunities between Marine GEO and NAML Labs
Vulnerabilities of Marine Laboratories
1:45 PM Introduction by Terry Donaldson, NAML President
- Panel Discussion - panelists from NAML member institutions (Case studies of some NAML member institutions, including economic impacts of infrastructure development)
- John Valentine, Alabama's Marine Science Institution, Dauphin Island Sea Laboratory
- Yvonne Vaillancourt, University of Massachusetts - Boston, Nantucket Field Station
- Petra Dekens, San José State University, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
- Bob Cowen, Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center
- Breakout Groups to discuss vulnerabilities
3:45 PM Break
4:00 PM Deb Stirling, Burroughs and Chapin Center for Marine and Wetland Studies, College of Science, Coastal Carolina University, and Commissioner on the SC Floodwater Commission, Working On the Ground and Across Party Lines
4:30 PM NAML Membership Business Meeting (open to all NAML members; registration NOT required - Zoom link to be sent to all members); important for NAML Delegates to attend
- NAML Bylaws amendments
- Biennial Meeting, October 2025, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
- Membership report
- Committee reports
- Future of NAML briefings on the Hill
- Public Policy Priorities for 2026-2027
5:30 PM Wine and Cheese Reception at meeting venue
Dinner on your own
DAY 2, March 7, 2025
8:00 AM Coffee and Light Breakfast
9:00 AM Stephanie Otts, Director, National Sea Grant Law Center, A Legal Look at Executive Orders
9:45 AM Break
10:00 AM Lisa Clough, National Science Foundation, Acting Division Director, Division of Ocean Sciences
Navigating Successes and Opportunities at NAML Member Institutions
10:15 AM Tiara Moore, CEO, Black in Marine Science, Building a Home for Black Excellence in Marine Science
- Panel Discussion - led by Dave Eggleston, NAML President-Elect
- Dave Eggleston, discussion leader, North Carolina State University, Center for Marine Sciences and Technology
- Juan Amador, Executive Director, Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics & Native Americans (SACNAS)
- Bob Cowen, Oregon State University, Hatfield Marine Science Center
- Billie Swalla, University of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories
12:00 PM Lunch and Adjourn
We have not created a hotel block at any hotel, but here are some options that are close to the meeting venue. We suggest booking as soon as possible.
Washington Plaza Hotel
- 10 Thomas Circle NW, Washington, DC 20005
- 11 minute walk to NAML Winter Meeting (0.5 miles away)
Motto by Hilton Washington DC City Center
- 627 H Street NW, Washington, DC 20001
- 11 minute walk to NAML Winter Meeting (0.5 miles away)
Hamilton Hotel
- 1001 14th Street NW, Washington, DC 20005
- 8 minute walk to NAML Winter Meeting (0.3 miles away)
Eldon Luxury Suites
- 933 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20001
- 9 minute walk to NAML Winter Meeting (0.4 miles away)
copyright © by The National Association of Marine LaboratoriesTM
The National Association of Marine Laboratories (NAML)
950 Herndon Parkway
Suite 450
Herndon, VA 20170
Phone: 703-790-1745