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Assistant Professor of Coastal and Ocean Policy
(Posted 01/07/2025)

Target Audience(s): Faculty

Institution: Williams-Mystic: the Coastal and Ocean Studies Program of Williams College and Mystic Seaport Museum

Institutional Web Link:

Position Description: The Williams-Mystic Coastal and Ocean Studies Program (, located in Mystic, CT, invites applications for a full-time assistant professor of Coastal and Ocean Policy. Williams-Mystic is a selective off-campus program of Williams College located on the coastal campus at Mystic Seaport Museum in Mystic, CT, our partner institution. We are a tight-knit and highly collaborative interdisciplinary program centered on outstanding undergraduate teaching that combines hands-on and place-based experiential learning, independent student research, and close faculty-student engagement. Students of all majors study history, literature, policy, and science to cultivate a transdisciplinary understanding of issues facing our coasts and oceans, focusing on climate change, environmental justice, and sustainability. The policy professor runs the required Coastal and Ocean Policy course, and collaboratively works with faculty from four other academic disciplines: maritime history, literature of the sea, marine ecology, and oceanographic processes to teach interdisciplinary classes and facilitate multi-day interdisciplinary field seminars on our nation’s coasts about issues and topics related to the coasts and ocean.

Position Type: Permanent Position

Funding Source(s): Other

How to Apply: Applicants can read a full description of the position here:

Application Closing Date: 02/03/2025


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