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PhD Student: Plastics-free coastal environmental applications
(Posted 08/24/2023)

Target Audience(s): Graduate Student

Institution: UofSC Baruch Marine Field Laboratory

Institutional Web Link:

Position Description: William Strosnider at the University of South Carolina's Baruch Marine Field Laboratory (Georgetown, SC) is recruiting one or more PhD students to start in the spring, summer, or fall of 2024.

The overarching goal of the NOAA-funded project is to catalyze plastics reduction in coastal environmental applications. Research will center on advancing the science and engineering of non-plastic, nature-based alternatives for coastal environmental restoration (e.g., jute reef prisms), water quality protection (e.g., fully organic erosion control geotextiles), and aquaculture (e.g., biodegradable clam netting). Our team will focus on mesocosm and field studies to evaluate alternative material performance (e.g., living shoreline oyster recruitment/mortality, clam predation control, estuarine water quality protection, shoreline erosion control).

The research will include observational, experimental, and modeling components with flexibility for students to develop individualized research questions along the gradient between ecology and engineering. Year-round support (including health benefits & tuition) will be provided through a mixture of teaching and research assistantships. Research will be based at the Baruch Marine Field Laboratory and nearby field sites with the expectation of substantial periods in residence on-site in Georgetown, SC.

Applicants will have secured, by the time of enrollment, an M.S. degree in a related discipline (e.g., Biology, Marine Science, Environmental Science, Environmental/Ecological Engineering, etc.). Preferred qualifications include field experience, a demonstrated ability to work independently, and experience working across disciplines.

Position Type: Permanent Position

Funding Source(s): National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

How to Apply: Interested individuals should contact Dr. William Strosnider via email ( to discuss their background, research interests, and further project details.

Application Closing Date: Until position is filled.


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